by Sumera S | Oct 29, 2018
DAYTON, OH, SEPTEMBER 28, 2018 – Students enrolled in the local Preschool Promise effort made “significant gains in school readiness” in 2017-18, but the program is still struggling to attract more families and close racial achievement gaps, a preliminary...
by Sumera S | Oct 22, 2018
ASHEVILLE, OCTOBER 15, 2019 – New tax revenue from the pending $1.5 billion sale of Mission Health opens doors for once-in-a-generation investments — and some of it should go toward early childhood education and affordable housing, advocates said Monday....
by Sumera S | Oct 18, 2018
ASHEViLLE, NC, OCTOBER 15, 2018 – Local parents, alongside business, health and nonprofit leaders announced the official launch of Family-Friendly Affordable Buncombe. The initiative advocates for the property tax revenues from the upcoming sale of Mission...
by Sumera S | Oct 1, 2018
CINCINNATI, OH, SEPTEMBER 28, 2018 – Students enrolled in the local Preschool Promise effort made “significant gains in school readiness” in 2017-18, but the program is still struggling to attract more families and close racial achievement gaps, a preliminary...