Case Studies

Locally Funded Early Childhood Initiatives Across the US

The map shows all the communities we could find that provide local, public funding (municipal or county level) for children – from early learning to literacy programs. When you click on a pin, you’ll see brief information about the initiative and a link for more information.  

In-Depth Case Studies
Scroll down to find case studies we’ve created that profile some of the best examples of local early childhood initiatives across the country and the financing methods that made them possible. Each case study provides a brief summary of the initiative and results, steps communities took to get those results and challenges and opportunities each faced. Case studies are searchable by type of funding mechanism used. In addition, we highlight examples from rural communities as well as more urban areas. Lastly, examples of state-level innovation are highlighted.


Map Key
Initiatives that have been PASSED are identified with signs (3)
Initiatives that are PENDING are identified with signs (4)

Help Us Find New Initiatives
If you know of other initiatives that provide local, public funding for early childhood and children, please email us at

Thank You
Special thanks to The Forum for Youth Investment and Funding the Next Generation for sharing their knowledge to create this map.